
所謂的'真實的'語言 'Factual' Language

本文給了很好的例子解釋 所謂的'真實的'語言對於事實會呈現不同的意義.
特別是給了例子解釋報紙新聞標題如何模糊了男人對於性暴力所應擔負的責任, 讓性侵與家暴變成女人的責任. 我們要讓男人自我省察,不要成為加害者

This article gives excellent examples of how 'factual' language can present the apparent meaning of facts very differently.
It especially gives good examples of how men are disappeared from headlines about rape, giving rise to the idea that women are somehow responsible for their own rapes, rather than saying that men had better stop raping.



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