
中文討論會 on 4/12 (一) at 7:30 pm

題材: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/100404/5/23a6l.html
Only 10 percent of OL people do occupations that they dreamed in childhood.

Q1: 大家小時候的夢想是什麼呢? 是否實現了呢?
What did you what to be in the future as you were in childhood?
Have you made dreams come true?

Q2: 支持你實現夢想的最大力量是什麼?阻礙你實現夢想的原因是什麼?
What’s the main resource that supported you achieving your dreams?
What’s the biggest wall that stopped you achieving your dreams?

Q3: 未來想要變成什麼樣的人? 想要過什麼樣的生活? 如何去實現呢?
Imagine the one you want to be and the life you want to live, how do you achieve?



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