
5/9 思.生活討論會: 膚色主義 可以思考的問題


1. 你曾被讚美或批評過你的膚色嗎?
2. 你看過什麼美白產品的廣告嗎?
3. 在那則廣告中,你記得它傳達的意象嗎?
4. 他們通常說了什麼?
5. 對於美白產品,你了解的真實情況有哪些?

6. 你害怕在太陽底下曝曬嗎?
7. 你對自己的膚色感覺如何?
8. 如果你的膚色白一點,你會感到比較開心嗎?
9. 對於使用美白產品,你的感覺如何?
10. 美白產品的廣告會影響你嗎?對你會有情緒上的反應嗎?

11. 你的家人對膚色有偏好嗎?
12. 膚色會影響你找男朋友/女朋友的機會嗎?
13. 膚色會影響你與同事或朋友的關係嗎?例如,你認識的人經常對你的膚色有一些評論嗎?
14. 膚色會影響你與不認識人的關係嗎?例如,銷售人員對你膚色或頭髮的評論。

15. 你看過同事批評另一名同事不做防曬嗎?
16. 你看過同事批評另一名同事的膚色太黑嗎?
17. 你聽過有人因為膚色太黑而不被公司錄用的故事嗎?

18. 美白產品廣告裡有用的訊息通常是什麼?
19. 你是不是覺得電視廣告裡出現的膚色白的女生多過膚色黑的女生?
20. 你會不會覺得雜誌裡的廣告,都會刻意用軟體將人的膚色調白?
21. 膚色主義在台灣文化裡是不是很強勢?

22. 關於以下的說法,台灣有一致的看法嗎?

23. 有什麼建設性的方法可以幫助人意識到這個問題,幫助人認知到他們行為的背後意義?
24. 我們如何避免批評別人的身體?
25. 我們如何喜歡自己的身體?特別是當我們是這樣被教育的。

時間:5/9 星期一7:30
如有疑問或要登記活動,或是你希望我們通知你任何新活動,請聯絡我們在 zmezmi@gmail.com 手幾: 0921613420 (Angela)

Questions you can think about:
1. Have you ever been praised or criticized for your skin tone?
2. What skin-whitening cream ads have you seen?
3. What do you remember of the images in the ads?
4. What do they usually say?
5. What facts do you know about bleaching cream?

6. Are you afraid to go out in the sun?
7. What do you feel about your own skin tone?
8. Do you feel happier if your skin is lighter?
9. What do you feel about the use of bleaching cream?
10. Do skin bleaching cream ads affect you, do you have any emotional reaction to them?

11. Does your family have a preference for skin color?
12. Does skin color affect your chances to find a boyfriend/girlfriend?
13. Does skin color affect your relationships with coworkers? Friends? For example, do people you know often make comments about your skin color?
14. Does skin color affect your relationship with strangers? For example, do strangers like sales-people make pronouncements about your skin or hair?

15. Have you have seen coworkers criticize another for not protecting themselves from the sun?
16. Have you have seen coworkers criticize another for having too dark of a skin tone?
17. Have you ever heard a story of someone being rejected for a job because their skin tone was too dark?

18. What is the usual message of skin whitening commercials?
19. Do you think commercials on tv show more white-skinned women than dark?
20. Do you think magazines deliberately use photoshop to 'lighten' darker skinned people?
21. Is shadism a strong force in Taiwanese culture?

22. Is there a general cultural agreement in Taiwan about the following statements?
Darker = stupider, backwards, uncultured, uneducated
Lighter = modern, smarter, more leaderlike, more knowledgable

23. What are some constructive ways to recognize the problem out loud, and help people be aware of what their behaviour means?
24. How do we avoid criticizing others' bodies?
25. How do we love our own bodies, especially if we have been taught they’re wrong somehow?



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