

This has been a really long unintentional hiatus. My personal and work commitment have gotten very intense, and being a bit overwhelmed, I had to cut out the less-pressing stuff. Apologies!

The classes on which this series of posts are based are drawing to a close. The Taipei class has already finished, and the Hsinchu class will finish at the end of January.

The plan is, however, to keep uploading discussions from the last two years on a regular basis. In the end, there will be about 80 or so discussion topics, and around 160 discussion posts. The newly posted discussions will be loaded to the actual date they happened, meaning they won't appear at the front of the blog, so I'll put a floating page on the top which will point you to the latest post.

I'm hoping to do the next update within a week. Thanks for your patience!



這是意見留言版! 我真心想要聽到每個人想法及看法,因此,拜托留下你的署名!