
An-arghhh-y: Pirate Organization

Questions to Ponder:
1. Does the presence of government stifle self-governing initiative?
2. Do people only self govern when they have no choice? = lazy
3. Does capitalism i.e. the protection of property automatically lead to hierarchy and control situations?
4. Can democracy really survive in a capitalists system?
Republican Rome only lasted 200 years, and you can argue that the US is turning into an empire rather than a republic, as we speak.

5. Are pirates capitalist?
6. Are capitalistic systems piratical?
7. Would pirate organization have been even more efficient if they could have relied on government [autocratic] authority?

Debate Question:

Are democracy and capitalism compatible systems?

Choose a side:
Team A) Yes, of course. Capitalism is a democratic institution, leaving individuals free to pursue wealth on the strength of their merits. It’s been working well for at least 200 years.
Team B) They can, but they are uneasy bedfellows. Capitalism is structurally authoritarian, and democracy at its best is a level playing field.
Team C) Moderator.
Team D) Yes. If capitalist institutions are based on merit and equally distribute resources, they are compatible with democracy.
Team E) No. Capitalism is structurally authoritarian, and democracy is about the equal sharing of power. Capitalism is actually most efficient as a system in a situation of inequality. The US is a good example of democratic institutions sliding into hierarchical ones.
Team F) ___. _________________________.

An-arrgh-chy: The Law and Economics of Pirate Organization, From the Chicago Journal of Political Economy



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